Quebec, Canada


he region is located within the Abitibi geological sub-province. These rocks are mainly Archean and slightly metamorphosed. They were divided into three groups of volcanic origin and two groups of sedimentary origin.
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The volcanic rocks are mainly Kinojévis ferriferous and magnesian tholeiites, komatiites and rhyolitic horizons. As for those of the Blake River group, they are characterized by basic andesites intercalated with pyroclastic rocks topped by more felsic rocks with a transitional to calc-alkaline affinity. These rocks are host to many massive sulphide deposits in the Rouyn-Noranda region. The Hébécourt formation is composed of ferriferous and magnesian tholeiites extending from the Ontario border up to the Bousquet-Laronde mining camp.
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Kewagama sedimentary rocks, younger than the volcanics consist of turbidites deposited in basins adjacent to both volcanic edifices. As for Témiscaming rocks, they are younger and are composed of coarse polygenetic sediments deposited in alluvial and fluvial environments.

Several intrusions cut across these rocks. In the vicinity of fault zones, there are a multitude of dykes of different compositions (syenite, tonalite, albitite, lamprophyre). One of these intrusions, composed of syenite and pyroxenite ultrapotassic units, is located south of the property (Cléricy syenite).

The volcano-sedimentary units are separated by long deformation zones such as the Porcupine-Destor, Aiguebelle, Parfouru, Manneville, Manneville North and South faults. These large structures cut across the region on EW to ESE directions. In the property sector, the fault zone results from a triangular collision zone overlapping with different attitudes and directions. Many gold deposits are associated with this structure zone, particularly west of the region and the Ontario side.

As for the Cadillac-Larder Lake Fault, it is located further south. It is a worldwide recognized gold structure that gave birth to several of the largest gold deposits in Canada.

Besides the volcanogenic sulphide mineralization found south of the property, we find in the immediate area gold mineralization associated with either shear zones, or fracture zones (Yvan-Vézina Mine). In a report published by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife (RG 96-13), Goutier identifies an area of highly prospective gold zones between the La Pause and Aiguebelle faults. This area is shown on the map below. The property is located in the heart of this prospective area.
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The property is located on the edge of the north and south volcanic zones of the Abitibi geological sub-province. According to Goutier (RG 96-13), several rock formations are present on the property. Moreover, it is also located at the junction of several faults systems that are part of the eastern extension of the Destor-Porcupine Fault zone. In some cases, one can also observe the superposition of these structures.
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Despite the lack of outcrops in the southern part of the property, Goutier has determined that the heart of the property is occupied by the imbricated structure of the Malartic-Kinojevis groups, between the Aiguebelle and La pause fault zones, which is similar to a tectonic front associated with overlapping formations having a northern direction. This is a very complex area, both relative to the number of overlaps and faults. We find a sequence of overlapping panels of basalt-komatiite and rhyolite-turbidite, a multitude of syn-tectonic dykes and volcanics from the Malartic formation.

The Destorbelle Showing is located within a sequence of ultramafic volcanic rocks, steeply dipping, weakly to moderately sheared and deformed. The mineralized zone is spatially associated with brecciated and altered ultramafic and a graphitic tectonic breccia. Breccia horizons are oriented EW to WNW-ESE and dips steeply to the S-SW.


Geophysic (induced polarization), geochemistry (humus), structural study of satellite image and a compilation (Gocad) were performed. Goldflare Exploration Inc. subsequently conducted drilling campaigns in the Destorbelle Showing area, approximately 3.5 km NW of the Fayolle Deposit.

Moreover, the structural context shows great similarity with the Fayolle Deposit, since this showing index is also located within the Porcupine-Destor deformation corridor.

Qualified Person – Information of a scientific or technical nature has been prepared under the supervision of Daniel Gaudreault, ing., (OIQ) and qualified person under NI43-101.

This page was last updated: 06/04/2014



Gold property


50% Goldflare Exploration Inc.

50% Axe Exploration Inc.


The property is located approximately 35 km north-east of the town of Rouyn-Noranda in Abitibi.


24 contiguous mining claims located at the junction of the Destor, Clericy and Aiguebelle townships


  • The property is easily accessible by road from the village of St-Norbert-de-Mont-Brun.
  • A 2% royalty (NSR) is attached to the property.

Posted on

14 February 2021

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